Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Major decisions, part 2!

Just like the sequel to the "The Hills Have Eyes", no one wanted to see the first one, and they REALLY don't want the second one.

I have fixed one aspect of my life, got rid of a major thing that was eating at my life.

Now on to another major decision.

What to do in the spring? I was going to put it off for another few days but Ryan asked me today.

Do I still want to go home? When I started thinking about it a major reason was the girl, but she is gone now.

At least this one I will not spend out in a tree, listening to Emery thinking about how bad stuff is.

This one is really a win win, I like it here, its fine. I have guys who I like and can talk to, really cool professors, and I know what kind of leadership this college turns out.

But I also love Iowa, I see what the others that have come here from there think about it now.

The yearly meeting has supported me in everything, and I know that they will support me if I stay here, but I do not want to be like the others, where I come here saying I will go back and serve the Lord alongside them. Then lose interest because the people here are pushing me in many other ways.

And I will be closer to my family, plus I have escapes there. When I need to be alone now I have to go wonder and hope that no one happens upon me. When I need a stretched period to recover I can go home and go sit by my river.

1 comment:

Jadon said...

yeah, i'm going to learn cowboy music that will melt your face off.
so star wars is going green huh?
just so you know you can still go to barclay and go back to IAYM. you have a lot stronger connections there than anybody else does, and i really believe that God has put that place in your heart.