Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spiritual Formation Journal

Because Doc D said we could pretty much write our journal on whatever we want, I am going to make that my blog posts for the next little while, because it already exists, I hate actually writing things down, and maybe someone will stumble upon something meaningful in it that will help them through something.

At the end of last semester, I started reading "Utmost and Highest" as my devotional, this continued through most of the summer up until the last week after the storm hit and all my time was spent working, so I will be starting that again for my daily devotions, I also am going to read sections of Confessions of St. Augustine after I finish my devotions because it is pretty hefty and I do not want to have to read it all in a rush. This, along with the everything else at Barclay College and life in general will be included in this journal.

For where I am starting out, I feel that I have the spiritual life of a middle aged person. Which means I have a long ways to go since we are supposed to have the faith of a child.

Todays verse in Utmost and Highest is from Matthew, when Jesus says "Come onto Me". I have really enjoyed this devotional because it closely examines one verse in ways I have never thought of. The way Chambers interprets this passage is that there are times when everything from the outside world piles up and makes us lose our focus on God. When I prayed before the reading, I asked for guidance about a current battle I am about to wage in the best, most respectful way I can, although against the authority that has the most immediate power over me next to God and my mom. I asked God for his help in discerning how far and hard I should take this, I think I should take it as far as I can as long as I do not lose my focus on Him.

1 comment:

Jadon said...

amen brother... awesome idea to put your journal on here. i wish i could have done that. good words too. you have the main thing the main thing, Jesus at the center. love you dude, i'm coming to haviland in october for the bc sale.