Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Homeward bound...

Finals are rounding down, I am about to go home for an extended stay. And after Thanksgiving break, I am scared of returning.

I returned home the first time full of exuberance after knowing what God wanted of me, knowing that Vennard was a thing to show me that the reasons for thinking about returning where crap reasons. And then I got there and realized the crap reason was still there.

I am now faced with returning again, and this time I will probably be unable to avoid seeing her again. I have been pounded with ideas of love for the first nineteen years of my life that have seem to be totally false and I still can not shake it.

I can see no way to escape this, I can see no way to avoid it, and I still feel responsible for it.

I know that as soon as I get home I will receive more messages saying she wants to see me, and I do not know if I will be strong enough to say no this time. Emotions die hard.

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